Most of people around the world know about the ancient Egyptian civilization from childhood, the land of Egypt from the South to North full of monuments which were built thousands of years ago, 30% of them have been discovered, 70% still under the ground, now you can know simple information about the history of one of the most ancient countries on the earth..
Ancient Egyptians invented mummification to preserve bodies for life after death because it was important that the dead find his or her body in the underworld....
Sekhmet is the goddess of destruction and healing at the same time, once Amon Ra was angry because mankind didn’t obey him and worship him because some people started a....
Описание товара. Краткий анонс товара или услуги в несколько строк. Тестовое описание. Примерное текстовое наполнение блока о товаре. Описание ограничено 170 символами.
Описание товара. Краткий анонс товара или услуги в несколько строк. Тестовое описание. Примерное текстовое наполнение блока о товаре. Описание ограничено 170 символами.